Mayle & et al Live Auction
Tractors, Tools, and Primitives
Saturday, August 31, 2024, 9:30 a.m.
1011 North Lisbon Street
Carrollton, OH 44615
Directions: Held at CYA Exchange, Carrollton Livestock. From SR 39, in the square of Carrollton, go north on SR 9 approx 1 mile.
Offering a wide selection of items, including tractors, a few implements, tools, and primitives.
Tractors: John Deere 2040, Ford 860 with sickle bar mower, Ford 1520 compact tractor 4wd with turf tires, Kubota BX 2200.
Tools and Misc: Stihl weedeater fs50c, hedge trimmers, a large selection of organizers, some air tools, hedge trimmers, hand saws, wide variety of hand tools, ice tongs,1972 motorcycle plate, old car horns, 3 Ford wrenches, several older cans, Dupont explosives wooden box and others, powder horn, Coleman lanterns. This is just a taste of the variety of items we will be offering.
This auction comes from a lifetime of collecting with many unique items. Please check our website CronebaughAuctions.com for pictures and updates.
TERMS: 4% Buyers Premium Waved for Cash or Check with Positive ID. All announcements day of Auction take precedence over any previous advertising.
Auction by Order of: Joe Mayle, et al
Auction Conducted by: Cronebaugh Auction Service, Ltd.
Auctioneers: Steve Cronebaugh 330-243-6574,Bob Hall 330-440-5923
Assisting Auctioneers: Steve Wengerd, Charles Gotschall